드론(DJI EDU TELLO) 파이썬 코딩으로 조종하기
- The age of artificial intelligence and robots is coming.
- The future of our children
- And our future
- Learn about programmable drones -> Conclusion and Recommendation -> DJI EDU TELLO
print ('Hit with coding!')
print ('Moving World!')
print ('Moving Drone!')
a programmable drone?
I thought about searching for a drone that can be coded.
Bitcraze Crazyflie 2.1 - 파이썬+C, 오픈소스, 교육용+연구용, 330,0000
Parrot Mambo Fly Educational Drone - C++ or Python programming language, 150$
Makeblock Airblock Hovercraft - READ MORE: Drone to meet in blocks, air blocks, Official
Makeblock Airblock Hovercraft was intrigued, but the data is poor and now it looks like it has stopped selling.
what should I buy?
The result is...
- Python programming is possible
- an affordable price
- Delivery is fast
- There's an official store in Korea
- It is the latest model, and the related posting is relatively easy to find compared to other drones
- Too bad javascript / node is not supported.
- DJI EDU TELLO DRONE / 150$, Supports Python, Scratch, and Swift)
- youtube -> Choose to buy coding drones Tello and Tello Edu
- youtube -> Drone Programming With Python Course | 3 Hours | Including x4 Projects | Computer Vision
Start! Let's do it together!
- (We'll start when the drone arrives.) - December 4, 2022 / Order from Naver Store in Korea
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Delivery Arrival and Box Open & Size Comparison
# Delivery takes 2 business days
# Position the mouse clock keyboard to measure the size of the drone
Start the program with Python
- GITHUB에 SDK released by DJI
- The above code is forks -> drone-lions/tello-sdk-python -> Proceed by switching from to Python 3.
Drone Outdoor Ambitious Flight Training in the Park
- Follow the attached paper guide to familiarize yourself with drone coordination before programming. / So we tried flying drones in the park, cutting through the night air.